Eile märgatud, maja lõunapoolse seina ääres. Võib-olla juba mitu päeva seal vaikselt kükitanud, aga nüüd päikesenaudingu valmis.
Tänane tuuleõhk oli paitavalt soe. Suviselt sume õhtu on käes.
Kodus said aknad puhtaks.
"Understand that our time on this planet is very limited and there are so many interesting things in life. You must choose how to spend the time that is given you, and if the majority of it is spent blogging, you really need to reconsider that choice.Need olid siis Ursi ühe blogi "viimased sõnad". Tore, et ta oma blogid vaatamiseks üles jättis - neis on palju ilusat.
I was among the "A-List" bloggers and I enjoyed what weblogs have to offer, but I don't use weblogs as my sole source of knowledge and self-affirmation. Always remember that the "blogosphere" is an echo chamber that can give you a very distorted image of reality if consumed without enough perspective. The vast majority of the online world does not read or write weblogs, and in no way are we smarter or hipper or more interesting or better informed than they are."